수출목표 10,000,000USD

kimswed 2009.01.29 09:57 조회 수 : 2930 추천:607

*베트남을 대표히는 1등기업이 되겠습니다*

1.베트남에서 한국으로 수출할수 있는 상품,

2.한국에서 베트남으로 수출할 수 있는 기계시설장비 및 각종 기계류

3. 저희회사는 하노이현지공장에서 발전기를 제작하여 베트남내수시장은 물론 제3국으로 수출하고있습니다.

4.베트남 지사<연락사무소>설치를 원하는 회사를 찾고있습니다.

5.베트남 수출상품 시장조사 업무를 지원하고있습니다.

Factory : Km21+120 LongHoaLac,QuocOal ,Hanoi ,Vietnam
ShowRoom :102 ,KimGiang ,HoangMai ,Hanoi,Vietnam
ShowRomm:433 ,LyThoungKiet,TanBinh,Hochiminh,Vietnam
              기술지원사업부   : http://www.dassen.co.kr
              기슬지원사업부   : http://www.egcon.co.kr
수출사업본부 :Shanghai Longjing Machinery Co. Ltd.
TEL : 86-21-3432-1092  FAX : 86-21-3431-7094

Contact  Vietnam    :   +84-908430716    Mr/Kim Byung il
E-mail  : skoreapkk@yahoo.co.kr

***2009년 수출목표 10,000,000 USD***

2009 년      “B2B” 실적

2009.01.10. DOOSAN GENERATOR 135KVA 판매  -구매자/골프장
2009.01.18. 건축용 행거 2,000,000 개 수출계약확정 – 구매자/한국
2009.01.20. 골프백  500,000 $  수출계약확정      -  구매자/일본
2009.01.20. MITSUBISHI 300KVA 판매              -구매자/호치민현지업체
2009.01.22. 홈쇼핑용 양복완제품<동복>수출계약확정 12,000벌 –구매자/독일
2009.01.25. 냉장고용 콘덴서부품 월 10,000개수출계약확정- 구매자/영국
2009.02.27. ISO9001/14000  심사대기중 UKAS 한국지원
2009.02,02. DOOSAN GENERATOR 550KVA 5기  CIF Hochiminh 도착.시공완료-베트남
2009.02.02. DOOSAN GENERATOR 550KVA 2기  HANOI   구매자/하노이현지업체
2009.02.07. DOOSAN GENERATOR 135KVA 1기  Hochiminh  구매자/호치민현지업체
2009.02.06. MITSUBISHI GENERATOR 중고 300KVA 1기.500KVA 2기 호치민시공완료
2009.02.08. DOOSAN GENERATOR 550 KVA 1기 .400KVA  Hanoi OEM  시공완료
2009.02.10. MITSUBISHI GENERATOR 1000KVA 1기 중고/시공.판매완료  구매자/호치민투자업체
2009.02.14. MITSUBISHI GENERATOR 50KVA 1기중고.75KVA 1기중고 시공/판매완료  ...구매자/중국투자회사
2009.02.15. MITSUBISHI GENERATOR 800KVA 중고  시공/판매완료  구매자 -호치민업체
2009.02.23.DOOSAN GENERATOR 550KVA 1기 판매/시공완료   구매자-호치민투자업체
2009.02.24.HONDA 10KVA   GENERATOR 1기   판매/시공완료 구매자-베트남업체  
2009.02.29.DENYO 50KVA   GENERATOR1기 중고 판매/설치완료구매자-베트남업체
2009.03.02.Denyo 1000KVA 1기 2004년식  판매/설치완료         구매자-중국투자업체
2009.03.03.Perkins 63KVA 1기         판매/설치완료                 구매자 -하노이현지업체
2009.03.10.MITSUBISHI 300KVA 1기  판매/설치완료                구매자-베트남업체
2009.03.12.ISO9001 전환  심사1건 심사완료                            신청자-한국투자업체
2009.03.18.DOOSAN GENERATOR 500KVA1기 판매/설치완료   구매자-한국투자업체 
2009.03.20.DENYO 50KVA중고1기               판매/설치완료       구매자-한국투자업체 
2009.03.28.DOOSAN 100KVA! 1기               판매/시공완료       구매자-하이퐁투자업체
2009.04.06.DOOSAN 200KVA 1기                판매/시공예정       구매자-하이퐁투자업체
2009.04.07.DOOSAN  550KVA 1기               판매/설치완료    구매자-호치민투자업체
2009.04.15.MITSUBISHI 1000KVA 중고1기    캄보디아프놈펜  수출/설치완료  -한국투자업체 
2009.04.16.DENYO 100KVA 1기                  판매/설치완료        구매자 -하이퐁투자업체
2009.04.17.CUMMINS 1기 90KVA               판매/설치완료        구매자-하이퐁투자업체       
2009.04.20.CUMMINS 2250KVA 외 6기   설치/시공 완료           원청 -  한국발전기제조업체
2009.04.26.DOOSAN 100 KVA 1기      판매/시공완료                구매자-하노이건설업체
2009.05.08.DOOSAN engine  6 기 수출CIF  Haiphong  인수완료 구매자-Hanoi TroungLoc
(KW, Standby / Prime)
1500 RPM, 50 HZ        Q'TY
(SET)        Unit Price(USD)        Amount PriceUSD)        REMARK
DB58         59 / 54G-PAC Assembly         1                
D1146        85 / 77G-PAC Assembly         2                
P086TI-I     64 / 149G-PAC Assembly       1                
P180LE      496 / 443G-PAC Assembly       2                               

2009.05.10.Denyo 375 KVA    1기                판매/설치완료       구매자-Haiphong투자업체
2009.05.11.DooSan 550KVA 1기                  판매/설치완료       구매자 - 호치민투자업체
2009.06.15.CUMMINS 1275KVA 1기   설치/시공  완료              원청 -  한국발전기제조업체
2009.06.10.Forklift 3ton/6ton     LC open  China                      구매자 - 베트남 건설업체
2009.06.15. DOOSAN ENGINE 14 pcs FOB PUSAN
MODEL        QUANTITY        NET WEIGHTS        GROSS  WEIGHTS            CBM
D1146T        1 SET        850         KGS        960         KGS        1.87        CBM
D1146T        1 SET        850         KGS        960         KGS        1.87        CBM
D1146T        1 SET        850         KGS        960         KGS        1.87        CBM
P086TI        1 SET        915         KGS        1,045         KGS        2.69        CBM
P086TI        1 SET        915         KGS        1,045         KGS        2.69        CBM
P086TI        1 SET        915         KGS        1,045         KGS        2.69        CBM
P126TI-II     1 SET        1,057         KGS        1,217         KGS        3.81        CBM
P158LE-1    1 SET        1,198         KGS        1,388         KGS        5.21        CBM
P158LE-1    1 SET        1,198         KGS        1,388         KGS        5.21        CBM
P158LE        1 SET        1,198         KGS        1,388         KGS        5.21        CBM
P158LE        1 SET        1,198         KGS        1,388         KGS        5.21        CBM
P158LE-S     1 SET        1,198         KGS        1,388         KGS        5.21        CBM
P180LE        1 SET        1,433         KGS        1,623         KGS        5.42        CBM
P180LE        1 SET        1,433         KGS        1,623         KGS        5.42        CBM
TOTAL        14 SETS        15,208         KGS        17,418         KGS        54.38        CBM
2009.06.22.   DOOSAN 200KVA  2기   설치완료     구매자/Haiphong                                      
2009.06.28.   DOOSAN 100KVA  1기  설치완료                       구매자/Haiphong 투자업체
2009.07.10.   DOOSAN 550KVA  2기  설치와료                      구매자/Hochiminh건설업체
2009.07.25.CUMMINS 2250KVA 5기   시공완료                       원청 - 한국발전기제조업체
2009.07.30.MITSUBISHI 1000KVA중고 2기 판매/설치안료          구매자 -HAIPHONG건설업체
2009.08.12. Mitsubishi 500KVA 중고  1기  판매/설치완료            구매자- 호치민 투자업체
2009.08.18. DooSan     400 KVA        1기 판매/설치완료            구매자 - 베트남현지업체
2009.08.25. Mitsubishi  300KVA 중고  1기 판매/설치완료            호치민투자업체
2009.09.12. Mitsubishi 500 KVA 중고 3기 설치                          HaiPhong건설업체
2009.10.07. Mitsubishi 1000 KVA 중고 2기 판매/설치                 Hochiminh 의류업체
2009.10.28. Doosan 550 KVA New  판매/설치                          Hochiminh  Chemical 업체
2010.05.12.CUMMINS 2250KVA12기   시공예정                        원청 -  싱가폴발전기무역업체
현재   수출계약 11건 대기심사중....

베트남 외국인직접투자 법률안

In order to expand economic co-operation with foreign countries and to make contribution to the modernization, industrialization and development of the national economy on the basis of the efficient exploitation and utilization of national resources;

In accordance with the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

This Law makes provisions for foreign direct investment in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

CHAPTER I General Provisions

Article 1

The State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam encourages foreign investors to invest in Vietnam on the basis of respect for the independence and sovereignty of Vietnam, observance of its law, equality and mutual benefit.

The State of Vietnam protects the ownership of invested capital and other legal rights of foreign investors, provides favourable conditions and formulates simple and prompt procedures for foreign investors investing in Vietnam.

Article 2

In this Law, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them hereunder:

1. Foreign direct investment means the bringing of capital into Vietnam in the form of money or any assets by foreign investors for the purpose of carrying on investment activities in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

2. Foreign investor means a foreign economic organization or individual investing in Vietnam.

3. Foreign party means one party comprising one or more foreign investors.

4. Vietnamese party means one party comprising one or more Vietnamese enterprises from any economic sector.

5. Two parties means the Vietnamese party and the foreign party.

Multi-party means a Vietnamese party and more than one foreign party, or a foreign party and more than one Vietnamese party, or more than one Vietnamese party and more than one foreign party.

6. An enterprise with foreign owned capital includes a joint venture enterprise and an enterprise with one hundred (100) per cent foreign owned capital.

7. A joint venture enterprise means an enterprise established in Vietnam by two or more parties on the basis of a joint venture contract or an agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and a foreign government, or an enterprise established on the basis of a joint venture contract between an enterprise with foreign owned capital and a Vietnamese enterprise or between a joint venture enterprise and a foreign investor.

8. An enterprise with one hundred (100) per cent foreign owned capital means an enterprise in Vietnam the capital of which is one hundred (100) per cent invested by foreign investor(s).

9. A business co-operation contract means a written document signed by two or more parties for the purpose of carrying on investment activities without creating a legal entity.

10. A joint venture contract means a written document signed by the parties referred to in item 7 of this article for the establishment of a joint venture enterprise in Vietnam.

11. A Build-Operate-Transfer contract means a written document signed by an authorized State body of Vietnam and a foreign investor(s) for the construction and commercial operation of an infrastructure facility for a fixed duration; upon expiry of the duration, the foreign investor(s) shall, without compensation, transfer the facility to the State of Vietnam.

12. A Build-Transfer-Operate contract means a written document signed by an authorized State body of Vietnam and a foreign investor(s) for the construction of an infrastructure facility; upon completion of construction, the foreign investor shall transfer the facility to the State of Vietnam and the Government of Vietnam shall grant the investor the right to operate commercially the facility for a fixed duration in order to recover the invested capital and gain reasonable profits.

13. A Build-Transfer contract means a written document signed by an authorized State body of Vietnam and a foreign investor(s) for the construction of an infrastructure facility; upon completion of construction, the foreign investor shall transfer the facility to the State of Vietnam and the Government of Vietnam shall create conditions for the foreign investor to implement other investment projects in order to recover the invested capital and gain reasonable profits.

14. An Export Processing Zone means an industrial zone specializing in the production of exports and the provision of services for the production of exports and export activities with specified boundaries established, or permitted to be established, by the Government.

15. An Export Processing Enterprise means an enterprise which specializes in the production of exports and the provision of services for the production of exports and export activities and which is established and operated in accordance with the regulations of the Government on export processing enterprises.

16. An Industrial Zone means a zone which specializes in the production of industrial goods and the provision of services for industrial production established, or permitted to be established, by the Government of Vietnam.

17. An Industrial Zone Enterprise means an enterprise established and operated within an Industrial Zone.

18. Invested capital means the capital required to implement an investment project, including legal capital and loan capital.

19. Legal capital of an enterprise with foreign owned capital means the capital required to establish the enterprise as stated in its charter.

20. Capital contribution means the capital contributed by a party to the legal capital of an enterprise.

21. Reinvestment means using profits and other lawful earnings from investment activities in Vietnam to invest in projects which are being implemented or to make new investments in Vietnam under any of the forms stipulated in this Law.

Article 3

Foreign investors may invest in Vietnam in sectors of its national economy.

The State of Vietnam encourages foreign investors to invest in the following sectors and regions:

1. Sectors:

(a) Production of exports;

(b) Animal husbandry, farming and processing of agricultural produce, forestry, and aquaculture;

(c) Utilization of high technology and modern techniques, protection of ecological environment and investment in research and development;

(d) Labour intensive activities, processing of raw materials and efficient utilization of natural resources in Vietnam;

(e) Construction of infrastructure facilities and important industrial production establishments.

2. Regions:

(a) Mountainous and remote regions;

(b) Regions with difficult economic and social conditions.

The State of Vietnam will not license any foreign investment project in sectors or regions which may have adverse effects on national defence, national security, cultural and historical heritage, fine custom and tradition, or the ecological environment.

Based on the development planning and orientation for each period, the Government shall stipulate the regions in which investment is encouraged and shall issue lists of encouraged investment projects and specially encouraged investment projects, lists of sectors in which licensing of investment is conditional, and lists of sectors in which investment will not be licensed.

Private Vietnamese economic organizations shall be permitted to co-operate with foreign investors in sectors, and subject to conditions, stipulated by the Government.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 날짜
123 베/단기부동산전망 file kimswed 1428 2010.09.04
122 베/노동허가서 file kimswed 1583 2010.09.01
121 베/노동법 file kimswed 1309 2010.09.01
120 베/무역보험공사 file kimswed 1572 2010.08.13
119 베/외국인의료보험 file kimswed 1869 2010.08.01
118 베/한국기업세무간담회 file kimswed 1804 2010.08.01
117 베/발전기임대사업자 모집 file kimswed 2099 2010.06.15
116 베/노동허가서 file kimswed 1598 2010.06.05
115 베/신규투자법령B file kimswed 1355 2010.06.04
114 베/신규투자볍령A file kimswed 1299 2010.06.04
113 외환차손익 file kimswed 1633 2010.06.04
112 세금탈루감독강화 file kimswed 1718 2010.05.23
111 chiep accountant file kimswed 1539 2010.05.22
110 베/학생비자문제점 file kimswed 1498 2010.05.22
109 베/지적재산권 file kimswed 1409 2010.05.09
108 베/주식실전투자1 file kimswed 1488 2010.05.02
107 베/세금탈루감독강화 file kimswed 1432 2010.05.01
106 베/법인세8 file kimswed 1584 2010.04.08
105 베/회계와세무 file kimswed 1900 2010.04.08
104 베/상표권출원 file kimswed 1469 2010.04.08
103 베/투자변화 file kimswed 1531 2010.04.04
102 미얀마시장 file kimswed 1690 2010.04.02
101 베/법인세 file kimswed 1732 2010.03.28
100 베/주식사모발행 file kimswed 1569 2010.03.16
99 국제결혼표준약관 file kimswed 1600 2010.03.15
98 캄보디아결혼중단 file kimswed 1719 2010.03.06
97 베/아파트관리비 file kimswed 1734 2010.02.02
96 한국과베트남관계 file kimswed 1909 2010.01.09
» 수출목표 10,000,000USD file kimswed 2930 2009.01.29
94 베/금리인상단행 file kimswed 1802 2009.12.30