여름휴가는 캄보디아로 오세요.
serendipity beach 해변가 에 위치하고 있으며 바다낚시.제트스키를 즐길수있으며 바닷가에서 100미터 지점까지 걸어들어가도 1m 50cm가 넘지않습니다.
별로 파도가 심하지않으며 원래 일주일에 두번 시엠립 앙코르왓과 프놈펜을 요번사고<PMT에어라인 AN-24기종>가 나기전까지 운항했습니다만 지금은 운항이중지되었고 버스나 승용차로 이동이
특히 이곳모래는 전세계에서도 희귀한 유리원료로 쓰이는 Sio3 모래로 뒤덮여있으며 아주잘고 촉감이 부드럽습니다. 최근 한국인과 국제결혼하는 각광받는 신혼여행지입니다.
밤하늘에 별을보며 캠프파이어가 가능하며, 양동이로 퍼붓는 단타성 소낙비 속에 바닷가를 걸어보세요. 속옷이 훤히 보입니다.
갓 잡아온 바다생선을 즉석에서 생선회를 맛볼수있으며 숯불생선구이가 일품입니다.
아직은 한국인이 잘 찾지않는 원시자연그대로의 해변 휴양지이며 지금은 러시아인들이 관광개발지로 전격 개발하고 있습니다. 주로 유럽사람들이 즐겨찾는 아주 조용한 밤엔 별이 훤히보이는 시원한 바닷가입니다.
프놈펜공항 픽업에서 시아누크빌까지 승용차로 약4시간 걸리며<317Km> 중간지점 <117Km >
"Girirom' 이라는 원시자연국립공원이 있어서 오는길에 산림욕을 즐길수있습니다.
프놈펜에서 117 Km 떨어진 ComPongSpow지방의 Girirom 은 지금은 잘닦아진 2차선도로에 4번국도를 따라1시간30분 이면 입구에도착할수있다. 입구는 원주민들이 아직까지 원시형태로 살고있으며 국가에서 천연림을 원시자연그대로 보호하고있어 국민휴양단지로 각광을받고있는곳이다. 아직은 외국인들이나한국인들에겐 전혀 생소한 장소지만 캄보디아에서 그만큼 울창하고 자연그대로 본존된지역은 거의 없으리라 본다. 자전거트래킹은 약4시간 도보는 5시간이면 족히 3개폭포를 전부감상할수있다. 하지만 혼자는 너무 위험하고 반드시 현지가이드를 대동하는게 좋다.하루에 비가 몇번이고 내리기때문에 우비는 필수이고 약간 서늘한산악기후<섭씨20도정도>때문에 감기도 특히 조심해야된다. 도보산행길이라면 산행을 마치고 입구"힐사이드리조트"에서 머물수있으며 밤에 버베퀴돼지새끼고기를 마음껏즐길수있고 입구 힐사이드 리조트에서 캄보디아의 밥하늘의 선명한별을 보며 포근한저녁을 보낼수있다.캄보디아 5대국립공원중 가장 한적하고 아늑한지역이다.
다시 프놈펜으로 되돌아와 앙코르왓 도 관광 할수있으며 프놈펜에서 승용차로 5시간반 거리.
비행편은 45분<편도> .프놈펜-시아누크빌 버스로 4시간거리 요금은 4$~10$
프놈펜 정보서비스. 캄/베가정상담센타 문의안내 <영어/러시아어/크메르어 동시통역>
국제전화 001-855-92837267 . 인터넷전화 070-7894-8338
Sihanoukville is surrounded by palm-fringed sandy beaches and pristine tropical islands off its south and west coast. Beaches here lies on the west contour of the city, from north to south, namely Victory Beach, Lamherkay Beach, Koh Pos Beach, Independence Beach, Sokha beach, Serendipity Beach and Occheuteal Beach. The most popular beaches are Occheuteal, Sokha, Independence and Victory. From here, you can go island hopping, diving, snorkeling and game fishing at the islands nearby.
Occheteal Beach is the all-rounder with long and narrow strip of beach lined with pine trees, grass umbrellas, rental chairs and little drink huts. The sandy beach that stretches southwards is worth trekking down if any trippers want some privacy. At the northern end is Serendipity Beach , which is a cool place for travelers to hang out. Serendipity beach also offers small guesthouse rooms right on the beach with occasional full-moon parties. However, the beach is filled with boulders that make it unfriendly for swimming.
Sokha Beach is located just west of Serendipity Beach . This beach is the most popular among local beach goers. It provides many facilities and wide white sandy beach, especially on the high tide season.
Independence Beach is located next to Sokha Beach on its west. The beach was named after the old Independence Hotel. This beach offers a good stretch of clean sand. Situated at the northern end of the beach is Independence Hotel and Koh Pos Beach, the nice tiny island onl y 800m off the coast. Koh Pos offers cool shades but rocky waters.
Victory beach is situated at the furthest north of the peninsula of Sihanoukville . It was the original backpacker beach and still popular with budget travelers. At the northern end of the beach is located the deep sea port. Thus, apart from white sand and blue sea, this beach offers a good spot to enjoy the scenes of sunset.
At the further south of Victory Beach is another small strand of sand called Lamherkey Beach where the Hawaii Seaview Restaurant is located. It is the place where a French/ Cambodian construction team laid groundwork for the construction of the new Port of Kampong Som during 1950s. At this beach, you can hire a boat to nearby islands.
There are more than a dozen islands off the coast of Sihanoukville for tourists to hop around. Most of them are yet to be more developed for an overnight stay. Many guesthouses, restaurants and cafes on shore cater trips and packages to these islands.
프놈펜 정보서비스. 캄/베가정상담센타 문의안내 <영어/한국어/크메르어 동시통역>
국제전화 001-855-92837267 . 인터넷전화 070-7894-8338
Sihanoukville is surrounded by palm-fringed sandy beaches and pristine tropical islands off its south and west coast. Beaches here lies on the west contour of the city, from north to south, namely Victory Beach, Lamherkay Beach, Koh Pos Beach, Independence Beach, Sokha beach, Serendipity Beach and Occheuteal Beach. The most popular beaches are Occheuteal, Sokha, Independence and Victory. From here, you can go island hopping, diving, snorkeling and game fishing at the islands nearby.
Occheteal Beach is the all-rounder with long and narrow strip of beach lined with pine trees, grass umbrellas, rental chairs and little drink huts. The sandy beach that stretches southwards is worth trekking down if any trippers want some privacy. At the northern end is Serendipity Beach , which is a cool place for travelers to hang out. Serendipity beach also offers small guesthouse rooms right on the beach with occasional full-moon parties. However, the beach is filled with boulders that make it unfriendly for swimming.
Sokha Beach is located just west of Serendipity Beach . This beach is the most popular among local beach goers. It provides many facilities and wide white sandy beach, especially on the high tide season.
Independence Beach is located next to Sokha Beach on its west. The beach was named after the old Independence Hotel. This beach offers a good stretch of clean sand. Situated at the northern end of the beach is Independence Hotel and Koh Pos Beach, the nice tiny island only 800m off the coast. Koh Pos offers cool shades but rocky waters.
Victory beach is situated at the furthest north of the peninsula of Sihanoukville . It was the original backpacker beach and still popular with budget travelers. At the northern end of the beach is located the deep sea port. Thus, apart from white sand and blue sea, this beach offers a good spot to enjoy the scenes of sunset.
At the further south of Victory Beach is another small strand of sand called Lamherkey Beach where the Hawaii Seaview Restaurant is located. It is the place where a French/ Cambodian construction team laid groundwork for the construction of the new Port of Kampong Som during 1950s. At this beach, you can hire a boat to nearby islands.
There are more than a dozen islands off the coast of Sihanoukville for tourists to hop around. Most of them are yet to be more developed for an overnight stay. Many guesthouses, restaurants and cafes on shore cater trips and packages to these islands.
댓글 0
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 조회 수 | 날짜 |
33 | 베트남후추수출원합니다 | kimswed | 2310 | 2008.09.04 |
32 | Tapioca수출원합니다 | kimswed | 2416 | 2008.09.04 |
31 | 베트남전력사정2 | kimswed | 2235 | 2008.08.21 |
30 | 베트남건설경기 붐 | kimswed | 2034 | 2008.08.30 |
29 | 호치민극심한전력부족 | kimswed | 2065 | 2008.07.24 |
28 | 베트남석유자원과경제 | kimswed | 2077 | 2008.06.16 |
27 | 베트남경제위기 | kimswed | 2039 | 2008.06.05 |
26 | 베트남주식시장 | kimswed | 2139 | 2008.05.01 |
25 | 캄보디아투자는신중히 | kimswed | 2264 | 2008.04.28 |
24 | 캄보디아전용예식장안내 | kimswed | 2298 | 2008.04.03 |
23 | 부동산폭탄돌리기 | kimswed | 2517 | 2008.02.23 |
22 | TL POWER VIETNAM 홈페이지 소개 | kimswed | 2907 | 2006.10.21 |
21 | 역경을 딛고 새삶을 | kimswed | 2640 | 2007.10.02 |
20 | 캄보디아부동산투자 | kimswed | 2250 | 2007.12.31 |
19 | 캄보디이국적취득 | kimswed | 2479 | 2007.12.31 |
18 | 캄보디아풍습 | kimswed | 3103 | 2007.11.17 |
17 | 신부는 바꿀수가없습니다 | kimswed | 2278 | 2007.09.23 |
16 | 캄/베 관광.투자1위 | kimswed | 3244 | 2007.09.04 |
15 | 對 캄보디아 投資사기조심 | kimswed | 3676 | 2007.08.26 |
14 | 해외여행자보험 | kimswed | 2349 | 2007.08.21 |
13 | 캄보디아선교활동전면금지 | kimswed | 2324 | 2007.08.15 |
12 | 캄보디아와북한 | kimswed | 2423 | 2007.08.04 |
11 | 프놈펜골프장소개 | kimswed | 2466 | 2007.08.02 |
» | 여름휴가는 시아누크빌! | kimswed | 2135 | 2007.07.15 |
9 | 베트남주식시장현황 | kimswed | 3059 | 2007.06.09 |
8 | 캄보디아회사설립안내 | kimswed | 2597 | 2007.05.27 |
7 | 항공권이해와식별 | kimswed | 2526 | 2006.10.10 |
6 | 여권발급기관안내 | kimswed | 2464 | 2006.10.10 |
5 | 여권신청서류 | kimswed | 2263 | 2006.10.10 |
4 | 캄보디아출입국유의사항 | kimswed | 2661 | 2006.10.10 |